Every word from God.
Every word to the world.
Every word preached.
Michael Staton, Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church of Mustang
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Who is FBC Mustang?
A church built on expository preaching
"Preach the Word..." 2 Timothy 4:2
Believing the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the Scripture is the foundation for everything at FBC Mustang. As W.A. Criswell once said, "When a man goes to church he often hears a preacher in the pulpit rehash everything that he has read in the editorials, the newspapers, and the magazines. On the TV commentaries he hears that same stuff over again, yawns, and goes out and plays golf on Sunday. When a man comes to church, actually what he is saying to you is this, 'Preacher, I know what the TV commentator has to say; I hear him every day. I know what the editorial writer has to say; I read it every day. I know what the magazines have to say; I read them every week. Preacher, what I want to know is, does God have anything to say? If God has anything to say, tell us what it is.'"
A church serving the whole family
"One generation shall commend your works to another..." Psalm 145:4
FBC Mustang is committed to providing quality ministry to preschoolers, children, teenagers, and adults of all ages. The aim is to offer Biblical teaching and discipleship to all people, regardless of age or background. While each church should strive to represent their community, it must be a purposeful effort to be a congregation that honestly desires to become a home where all generations can worship together.
A church committed to evangelism & missions
"You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria..." Acts 1:8
The rallying cry of FBC Mustang is to take the gospel to the neighborhoods and the nations. This means that we are focused on evangelism and ministry in our surrounding communities, while at the same time, being committed to participating in gospel ministry around the world.
As John Piper has said, "God is pursuing with omnipotent passion a worldwide purpose of gathering joyful worshipers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation...therefore, let us bring our affections into line with His, and, for the sake of His name, let us renounce the quest for worldly comforts and join His global purpose."